Thursday, June 26, 2014

Why I Love My Kindle Paperwhite

I'll start off by admitting that I bought my Kindle Paperwhite on a whim - which is how I make most of my purchases that do not involve food or financial obligations. I already owned the first generation Kindle Fire which displayed my eBooks beautifully, but the glossy screen and LED display were taking a toll on my eyes.

I already work a job where I am looking at a computer screen all day, and then I switch over to a computer screen to type in the evenings (been trying to handwrite things lately to give my eyes a break). So, when I saw that the Paperwhite used a traditional illuminated Kindle screen, I was thrilled.

The only thing that didn't thrill me was navigating my book collection, both while looking for what I wanted to read, and also while reading a volume.

Not any more!

Imagine my surprise when my Paperwhite was automatically updated with the latest software before I even booted it up this past weekend. Not only can I connect my Goodreads account to my Kindle (which I love, by the way) but, I can also see page numbers on all of my books I'm reading and easily navigate multiple bookmarks without fear of losing my current place. Who doesn't like to skip ahead just to see what is coming up? Now I can do that and go back to my place without all the hassle.

The Paperwhite is visually appealing, and I've found myself reading on it more and more. Nothing can replace the feeling of flipping the pages of a book, but now with my revamped Paperwhite, I feel like the digital reading experience has come closer to what I always imagined it could be.

Now, to try out the many fantasy novels I've recently downloaded for my eventual vacation reading...

Monday, June 23, 2014

Goodreads Giveaway Is Over!

If you are one of the many people who entered my Goodreads giveaway, thank-you very much for your interest in The Zombie Apocalypse. This was my first promotional giveaway for a book in print, and it was a lot of fun - though nerve-racking as well!

Congratulations to the three winners! I have dropped your copies of the book in the mail and you should be getting them soon.

If you didn't win and you're still interested in reading the book, you can get it for the incredibly low price of $0.99 on the Kindle Store here. That's cheaper than a cup of coffee!

And for those who enjoyed the first book and are wondering how the next one is coming, I made great progress last night. There are some fun outcomes. It should be done soon, but I'm not giving it a set date yet. Chugging away!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Zombie Apocalypse Giveaway Entries Close Tomorrow!

Have you entered to win an autographed paperback edition of The Zombie Apocalypse? If you haven't, time is running out!

I just finished autographing the three copies of the first Can You Survive? book that are being given away. They look nice! Hurry up and enter to win on Goodreads by clicking here!

Check out the pictures of one of the autographed beauties below. I know, I know. I have the autograph of a doctor. But, no matter how hard I try, it always stays the same.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Nothing Smells Like A Book...

...except a book.

For all the arguing over print versus digital, I still find myself overjoyed when I find a bargain bin paperback and take in that paper-and-glue aroma when I turn the pages. For some reason, fantasy always goes hand in hand with heavily worn paperback books in my experience. I love it!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Sneak Peek At The Port Plague Cover!

Since I hit the 75% mark on my handwritten progress on the new "Can You Survive" book last night, I thought I'd upload a surprise preview of the cover. Hope you all like it! I'm nearly finished with the main "good" ending, and everything else should fall into place after that's squared away. Happy Friday!