Monday, June 23, 2014

Goodreads Giveaway Is Over!

If you are one of the many people who entered my Goodreads giveaway, thank-you very much for your interest in The Zombie Apocalypse. This was my first promotional giveaway for a book in print, and it was a lot of fun - though nerve-racking as well!

Congratulations to the three winners! I have dropped your copies of the book in the mail and you should be getting them soon.

If you didn't win and you're still interested in reading the book, you can get it for the incredibly low price of $0.99 on the Kindle Store here. That's cheaper than a cup of coffee!

And for those who enjoyed the first book and are wondering how the next one is coming, I made great progress last night. There are some fun outcomes. It should be done soon, but I'm not giving it a set date yet. Chugging away!

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